
It is a line of bio-preparations that contain stabilized microorganisms and that perform crop protection effects against diseases caused by nematodes or phytopathogenic fungi or bio-stimulant and nutritional effects such as nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization and micronutrients. They are characterized by being the only biopreparations that contain an exudate inducer (Exu Root) that ensures the response of the microorganism. They are easily applied to the root, through pressurized irrigation systems.

mycorrhizal complex

Increases the area of exploration and absorption of the root and improves the nutritional status of crops.

It is an inoculant formulated based on mycorrhizal fungi, nitrogen fixing bacteria and ExuRoot® that favor infection, establishment and multiplication in the rhizosphere, increasing the area of exploration of the root. In addition, it protects against stress and increases the active life of the roots.

• It improves the absorption particularly of N, P, Zn, K and Ca.
• Increases the establishment and colonization of endo and ectomycorrhizal fungi in the root.
• Strengthens the crop making it tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress.
• In crops that lack absorbent hairs or absorption roots, the area of exploration and use of water and nutrients by the root increases.
• Make the most of your investment.

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